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Baimai Spring
We aim to provide users with production scheme and intimate service.

"Baotu Spring is located in the west of Jinan as Spring Head, Baimai Spring is located in the east of Jinan as Spring Champion". Shandong Baimai Spring Wine Co., Ltd. is located in the bank of Baimai Spring, Zhangqiu, Jinan City. Zhangqiu -- the birthplace of "Longshan Culture" at home and abroad and the hometown of Fang Xuanling, the famous premier in the Tang Dynasty and Li Qingzhao, the Female Lyric Writer in the Song Dynasty, is long-standing and well-established in wine culture. 

新田县| 岱山县| 松滋市| 故城县| 万荣县| 黄大仙区| 安龙县| 彭山县| 彭山县| 馆陶县| 玉林市| 潮安县| 门源| 交口县| 无为县| 九龙县| 根河市| 安康市| 双牌县| 庐江县| 莒南县| 永新县| 田阳县| 克拉玛依市| 无为县| 天津市| 梁平县| 达拉特旗| 德阳市| 宝坻区| 旺苍县| 通化县| 宁国市| 长子县| 库车县| 丘北县| 阿合奇县| 娄烦县| 大安市| 新野县| 安泽县|